
Godot 4.0 released between builds and wiped the previous build's visual code. Build 0.0.15 is written in gdscript.

-fixed player movement
-unblurrized pixels (yes)
-ui is visible again
-changelog buttons fixed
-fixed movement animations
-debug buttons work again
-tilemaps back up
-npc talk up fully
--supports multiple lines of dialogue
--can walk around while npc talks
-camera snaps when player goes through door
-teleportation up [doors]
-all slums district skeletons [spooky]
-rough slums general assets
-rough library assets
-dialogue for library NPCs
-fixed light overlap
-lights to library
-lights to streets
-player sprint again
-sprint button again
-npc faces player when talking
-my pixel font to replace default font

Files Play in browser
Jun 10, 2023

Get Somewhere_Rains

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